Equality and Diversity Policy

Equality & Diversity Policy

  1. Purpose and Scope:

This policy underscores Kirsty Bridgewater Retail Ltd’s dedication to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for our employees, customers, and the community at 2 Market House, Marketplace, St Ives, TR26 1QX.

  1. Policy Statement:

Kirsty Bridgewater Retail Ltd cherishes the diversity of experiences, ideas, and backgrounds that each individual brings, and is committed to ensuring fairness and respect for all.

  1. Implementation:
  • Recruitment and Employment: We aim to hire locally, offering equal opportunities to all candidates, and recognising the importance of the Cornish language and the protection of Cornish minority rights.
  • Training: We will provide necessary training to ensure our team understands and upholds our values of equality, diversity, and inclusion, including awareness of Cornish cultural heritage.
  • Reporting and Resolution: We will establish a straightforward and accessible process for reporting and addressing concerns related to discrimination or harassment.
  1. Monitoring and Review:

We will periodically review this policy to ensure it remains relevant and effective in promoting equality and diversity.